Sarah – Voiced Edition – Audio Previews

Here are the audio samples for the Voiced Edition of Sarah.

You can read the first 4000 of 13000 words here:

You can buy the voiced version of this story  -Story + EIGHTEEN MINUTES of audio here:  Buy Sarah Voiced Edition!

You can buy a digital deluxe edition of this product (same thing, but with all raw audio files from the VA + my audacity projects) here: Buy Sarah Voiced Digital Deluxe Edition!

Sarah tells her brother that when you lift weights, it turns food into gains:


Sarah does a workout, and sees instant results  (with spliced in weight lifting effects)


(Later on in the story)


Sarah greets her brother in the morning


Sarah goes through another workout, with even more instant results


Sarah and her brother have a comparison


Sarah discusses how she ‘took all of the muscle genes’



You can buy the voiced version of this story  -Story + EIGHTEEN MINUTES of audio here:  Buy Sarah Voiced Edition!

You can buy a digital deluxe edition of this product (same thing, but with all raw audio files from the VA + my audacity projects) here: Buy Sarah Voiced Digital Deluxe Edition!